Mathematical model of railway functioning from the perspective of sustainable development

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O.I.Kharchenko, Cand. Sc. (Tech.),Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V.Lazaryan, Dnipro, Ukraine, e‑mail: olesiakh100@


Purpose. The article is aimed to ensure the most efficient variant of railway functioning from the perspective of sustainable development.

Methodology. A comprehensive analysis of works in the field of increasing the functioning of railway transport subdivisions and implementing the principles of sustainable development was carried out. This analysis makes it possible to identify the main directions of increasing the efficiency of railway functioning from the perspective of sustainable development. The model of railway functioning was developed using the mathematical apparatus of the theory of sets and graphs that allows structuring the railway as a complex system. The basic stages and the relationships during the simulation of railway functioning processes at the macro and micro levels were shown.

Findings. A mathematical model of the railway functioning was developed on the basis of which the simulation of the railway functioning process is carried out at two levels. The macro level is the simulation of the car traffic volume displacement in the transport network within the railway and the micro level is the simulation of processing the car traffic volume at the stations of the railway.

Originality. The article includes an adequate description of the process of railway functioning from the perspective of sustainable development, based on the apparatus of the theory of sets and graphs.

Practical value. On the basis of the proposed model of the railway functioning at the macro level it is possible to solve the problems of optimal distribution of freight operation not only between the stations encompassing the approach lines of the mining enterprises, but also between all railway stations perating local car traffic volumes. Using the proposed model of functioning of the technical freight station at the micro level the problem of determining the optimal quantitative characteristics of the production capacities of the stations is solved.

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