The impact of personal needs on the formation of leadership

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I.M.Gryshchenko, Cand. Sc. (Public Administration), National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv, e-mail: Gryschenkoiryna


Purpose. The clarification of the impact of needs for affiliation, needs for authority, and needs for achievements on leadership formation in the system of local government.

Methodology. To achieve these goals and solve the determined tasks interdisciplinary and systematic approaches were used as well as a number of general and special methods, among them: generalization, comparison, forecasting methods and others.

Findings. The analysis of personal needs that form the behavior of a leader and affect his/her activity proved that for the proper functioning of the local government, citizens are advised to analyze the behavior of potential candidates to work in the system of the local government, paying special attention to the commitment of the people to three basic needs: achievements, relation to power and the need to be with people.

Originality. Personal needs were disclosed and it was experimentally proved that people with a clear need for achievements are advisable to attract to work in a local government system, as they perfectly perform tasks that provide an opportunity to experience personal responsibility for the outcome and the possibility of feedback. Persons with a clear need for power and a high level of internal inhibition and the affiliation level which is below the level of need for power are people with leadership motive syndrome and they can create the optimal leadership environment to meet needs of citizens of the relevant territory. Individuals with a strong affiliation motive and less strong motive of power and achievements can hold positions on the boards of various levels, as they are more likely to focus on caring for the welfare of citizens.

Practical value. The practical value lies in the fact that the results of the study allow formulating specific proposals and identifying ways to improve the activities of the local government on the basis of involving people who are internally targeted to meet the needs for achievement, power and affiliation.

References/Список літератури

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