The determination of the force of blocked cuting of soil and coefficient of energy intensity of deep ripping of soil

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S.V.Kravets, Dr. Sc. (Tech), Prof., National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Rivne, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

O.V.Stinio, National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Rivne, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose. The main parameters of soil rippers are determined provided that the cutting force and the coefficient of energy intensity of soil ripping will have minimum values. To ensure the minimum energy intensity of soil ripping, argumentation of parameters of working bodies should be carried out with taking into account the critical depth of soil ripping, because ripping of soil on the critical depth provides the lowest energy intensity. Therefore, there is necessity to determine the force of blockaded cutting and coefficient of energy intensity of soil ripping on the critical depth.

Methodology. Mathematical modeling of processes of cutting and ripping of soil.

Results. To determine the force of blocked cutting of soil on the critical depth, we accept that the soil is homogeneous isotropic medium that is characterized by hooking, internal and external friction, strength and humidity. In accordance with the scheme of interaction of soil with working body (after the projection of all the forces on the horizontal ax), we obtain the equilibria equation from which we determine the force of blocked cutting of soil on the critical depth, and take into account fact that cutting width of working body varies with depth of soil ripping and the cutting angle to supply ripping of soil on the critical depth. When division of force of blocked cutting of soil to cross-sectional area of ripped soil we get coefficient of energy intensity of soil ripping on the critical depth.

Findings. From the mathematical model for determine the force of blocked cutting and coefficient of energy intensity of soil ripping was justified the width and cutting angle of working bodies of rippers that operate on the critical depth.

Originality. Scientific novelty lies in getting the analytical dependence for determination of force of blocked cutting and coefficient of energy intensity of soil ripping on the critical depth based on the depth of cutting, and the physical properties of soil.

Practical value. It lies in the establishing of the optimal cutting angles and width of working bodies of rippers, that working at the blocked cutting on the critical depth, depending on the depth of soil ripping, and the physical properties of soil.

Reference / Список літератури

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