Effect of environmental factors on the enterprise competitiveness management
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- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 04 February 2016
- Published on 04 February 2016
- Hits: 3825
T.V. Savchenko, Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Nikopol Faculty of Zaporizhzhya National University, Senior Lecturer of the Management Department, Nikopol, Ukraine.
Purpose. Determination of the environmental factors of industrial enterprises, affecting the functioning of the system of enterprise competitiveness management. Clarification of the nature of “system of enterprise competitiveness management”. Study of the relationship between the system of enterprise competitiveness management and the factors of macro- and microenvironment of the enterprise and determination of the nature of the influence of these factors on its competitiveness.
Methodology. The study used the methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction (used in determining the factors that influence the formation of the system of enterprise competitiveness management), systematization and generalization (to clarify the concept of “system of enterprise competitiveness management”, systematization of the key aspects of management of enterprise competitiveness).
Findings. We have determined the system of environmental factors of industrial enterprises, affecting the system of enterprise competitiveness management. We have clarified the essence of the concept of “system of enterprise competitiveness management” and the components of the system. We have determined the types of internal connections in the system of enterprise's competitiveness management as well as the relationship between the system of enterprise competitiveness management and macro - and microenvironment. We have built the interaction model with the system of enterprise competitiveness management and macro- and microenvironment.
Originality. We have determined the system of environmental factors of industrial enterprises, affecting the system of enterprise competitiveness management. The clarification of the interpretation of “system of enterprise competitiveness management” is a prerequisite for improving the quality of both analytical evaluation of the level of industrial enterprises competitiveness and the whole process of these enterprises competitiveness management. Determination of the relationship between the system of enterprise competitiveness management and factors of macro-and microenvironment of enterprise allows us to create an effective system of enterprise competitiveness management, and objectively consider the influence of factors of macro- and microenvironment on the enterprise competitiveness.
Practical value. The results of the study may be used for further scientific research in this direction, as well as in practical activity of industrial enterprises as the key element of the formation of system of enterprise's competitiveness management to improve organizational methods of industrial enterprises competitiveness management, increasing the management efficiency and strengthening the competitive position of the company.
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