Pyroxene chemical composition peculiarities from Kropyvnianske deposit of phosphorus-titanium ores (Ukraine)

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V.M. Kharytonov, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “Kryvyi Rih National University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geology and Applied Mineralogy, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.

O.V. Lypko, State Higher Educational Institution “Kryvyi Rih National University”, post-graduate student, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.


Purpose. To establish the regularities of distribution of main and admixture components in the individuals of pyroxene ore as well as detection of typomorphic indications of the chemical activity of samples of this group of minerals from phosphorus-titanium ores from Kropyvnianske deposit.

Methodology. The research employs the microprobe analysis using “РЕММА 102-02”; calculation of full crystal-chemical formulas and minal-composition by oxygenic methodic, comparative analysis of chemical composition of pyroxenes from the Kropyvnianske deposit with samples from other titanium deposits located in Ukraine and other regions of the world.

Findings. The gabbroids with high concentration of apatite from anortosire-rapakivigratite plutons of the Ukrainian Shield belong to subalkaline series; clinopyroxene from basites with high-level of phosphorus are often represented by Ti-augite or ferrosilite. Pyroxenes of Kropyvnianske deposit are characterized by low content of Si and Mg, and high content of Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Ca, Na compared to other deposits located in Ukraine and other regions of the world. The pyroxenes from Kropyvnianske deposit by the peculiarities of chemical composition are located in the field of high-calcium augite in Н.І. Hess’s diagram. During the investigation of pyroxenes from Kropyvnianske deposit, we found that quantity of Si, Fe, Mn, Na and V in the grains increases from periphery to the center. In the central part of individuals, the amount of calcium decreases compared to the periphery. The distribution of Ti, Al, Mg and Sc content has no clear regularity within the individual grains.

Originality. The difference between chemical content of pyroxene grains from Kropyvnianske deposit and minerals of the same group from other titanium deposits was determined. It was established the regularity of chemical elements distribution within some pyroxene individuals of Kropyvnianske deposit in the direction from the periphery to the central parts.

Practical value. The peculiarities of chemical composition of pyroxenes of Kropyvnianske deposit can be used as the criteria for prospecting the phosphor-titanium raw material within the areas similar to Kropyvnianske deposit by geological structure. They can also be used to determine the kind of mineralization (apatite-ilmenite or ilmenite-ulvit-titanomagnetite with apatite). Thus, the chemical composition of pyroxenes from Stremigorodske and Nosachevse deposits (apatite-ilmenite ore) differs essentially from pyroxenes from Kropivnyanske deposit (ilmenite- ulvit-titanomagnetite ore with apatite) as they contain Si, Mg, Al, Fe and Ca. It is important to take into account the information on pyroxene chemistry when preparing recommendations for use of P-Ti ores concentrate because it accumulates significant amounts of olivine, pyroxene and olivine-plagioclase-pyroxene products after the extraction of titanomagnetite, ilmenite and apatite concentrates. The extraction of scandium and vanadium is one of the possible ways of its utilization. The level of scandium of Kropyvnianske deposite pyroxsenes (8,300 g/t in average) is almost 1,400 times higher than scandium percentage abundance. The level of vanadium in them (5,300 g/t) is 60 times higher than vanadium percentage abundance. Minimal values of content of these metals suitable for commercial use are 100 and 1000 g/t, respectively.


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