The component choice for the induction motor field oriented control system

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A.V. Bakutin, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Electric Drive, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. The component choice foundation for the field-oriented induction motor control implementing of the metal cutting machine tool main motion electromechanical system.

Methodology. The component choice was performed on the requirement analysis to the real-time computing facilities; generating control signal devices and the power circuit elements for the implementation and to ensure reliable operation and control algorithm execution.

Findings. Recommendations on the microprocessor device choice, which satisfied the requirements extended by the field-oriented induction motor control system; mathematical relations for the correct choice of the generating control signal devices and for the parametric choice of power switches were obtained. The experimental investigation, which confirmed the result accuracy, was carried out.

Originality. The generalized technique for the component choice foundation for the field-oriented induction motor control system was obtained.

Practical value. The requirements to the microprocessor device by the field-oriented control system on the key parameters were considered: the productivity, the number of analog-to-digital conversion channels, and the number of pulse-width modulation outputs, data memory and program memory, the number of inputs and outputs for the information exchange between the digital system and operator. The parameters and mathematical relations for the correct choice of the generating control signal devices and power switches were given. The circuit parameter influence on the power element performance graphs is presented.


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