Interharmonics in power supply systems

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G.G. Pivnyak, Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Rector of the National Mining University of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">

I.V. Zhezhelenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Pryazovskyi State Technical University, Director of the Power Supply Systems Department, Mariupol, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Yu.A. Papaika, Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor, National Mining University, Associate Professor of the Power Supply Systems Department, Dnipro, Ukraine

O.H. Lysenko, Candidate of Technical Science, National Mining University, Associate Professor of the Electric Drive Department Dnipro, Ukraine


Purpose. To investigate the understudied aspects of voltage quality and electromagnetic compatibility and provide mathematical description for the analysis of voltage interharmonic components in mixed spectrum.

Methodology. Methods of research are based on the theory of spectral analysis and general electrical engineering.

Findings. The stress is made on the necessity to take into account the impact of interharmonics while analysing the quality of voltage in industrial power supply systems. The process of interharmonics occurrence in power supply systems is explained in terms of physics, the sources generating this kind of interference are described. Mathematical dependences that allow identifying interharmonics in the general energy of distorted spectrum are provided. The focus is placed on the feasibility of using spectral analysis in computations. We have analysed the values of error in calculations of electric power quality indexes (EPQI) and the following reasons for its occurrence: error in setting the parameters of electric equipment, their reduction, etc. It has been established that the expected error is within the range of 3–13 %.

Originality. The Fourier integral application for the analysis of interharmonics has been theoretically substantiated. Dependences between the commutating angles of the inverter rectifiers and the level of interharmonics in the converter line current have been established. The appropriateness of preparing instructions for the application of estimating calculation methods, which are similar to those used in power engineering and other industries, has been emphasized.

Practical value. Analysis of the obtained solutions allows making a quantitative estimation of levels of interharmonics and higher harmonics as the markers of the voltage quality. The approximate formula for assessing interharmonics levels while applying a linear law of invertor control has been inferred. Certain parameters used in estimating calculations are provided. It is shown that the calculated values of estimated losses in power engineering of Ukraine coincide with the results of more specific research based on factual data.


1. Zhezhelenko, I. V., Shidlovskii, A. K., Pivnyak, G. G., Saienko, Yu. L. and Noyberger, N. A., 2012. Elektromagnetic compatibility of consumers. Мoscow: Mashinostroenie.

2. Zhelezko, Yu. S., 2009. Power losses. Reactive power. Power quality. Instructions for practical computations. Moscow: ENAS.

3. Pivnyak, G. G. ed., 2016. Transients in Electric Power Supply Systems. Switzerland: TTP.

4. Zharkin, A. F., Novskiy, V. A. and Palachev, S. A., 2010. Normative and legal regulation of the quality of electric energy. The analysis of Ukrainian and European legislative acts and normative and technical documents. Kyiv: Institute of еlectrodynamics NAS of Ukraine.


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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
ISSN (online) 2223-2362.
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