Filled aluminosiloxane polymer-based coatings thermal stability and heat resistance improvement

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O.I. Peredriy, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Lutsk National Technical University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Commodity Science, Lutsk, Ukraine.


Purpose. Determination of the thermal performance and heat resistance of new protective coatings based on filled aluminosiloxane polymer and installation the influence of the initial composition on the heat resistance and corrosion resistance of the coatings.

Methodology. Provided acting standard methods were used at study. These methods allow studying physical-mechanical characteristic defensive covering. Heat resistance was determined from the change of corrosion penetration under the certain conditions. Corrosion resistance was evaluated from the change of roughness parameters and the area damaged coating. Thermal stability was determined at periodic heating and subsequent cooling in water.

Findings. The positive results of increasing thermal and heat resistance metal surfaces protected from aluminosiloxane coatings have been received. The heat resistance of protective coatings for steel reduces by 20–30% at temperatures exceeding 753 K and if the kaolin introduced into composition, due to its degradation and partial destruction of the inner layers.

The thermal resistance increases by 30–40% when the kaolin fibre is added. The heat resistance of coatings increase by 20 ... 25% if the kaolin and kaolin fibre are introduced into composition.

The corrosion depth of protected metal decreases of 2.2–3.5 times, thereby durability of the material increases 2.5–3.2-fold, respectively. The integrity of the coating decreases monotonically with the increase of temperature due to heat oxidative degradation of aluminosiloxane polymer at temperatures 1123–1473 K (80–88%).

The uniformity of the covering increases by 3–4% if two mass fractions TiO2 (%) are incorporated in the coating. The continuity increases 5% when kaolin administered in the composition.

Originality. It is set, that to improve the heat resistance of steel structures it is expedient to use appropriate coatings based on filled aluminosiloxane polymer and Al2O3, ZrO2, kaolin, kaolin fibre and modifier TiO2 are used as fillers. The influence of feed composition on the thermal properties and corrosion resistance of these coatings has been established.

Practical value. Developed heat-resistant protective coating based on filled aluminosiloxane polymer can be used in the steel and mining industries. The purposeful control performance property of coatings is possible in a wide temperature range because the influence of oxide and silicate fillers comprising coatings has been established.



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