Influence of cryotreating on change of properties of synthetic diamonds and efficiency of their application in drilling tools
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- Category: Physical processes
- Last Updated on Thursday, 17 October 2013 16:11
- Published on Thursday, 08 November 2012 14:16
- Hits: 6461
V.N. Tkach, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Research Fellow, V. Bakul Institute of Super Hard Materials of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Head of the Laboratory, Kyiv, Ukraine
A.M. Isonkin, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow, V. Bakul Institute of Super Hard Materials of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Senior Research Fellow, Kyiv, Ukraine
Purpose. To assess the influence of increase of durability of synthetic diamonds caused by the change of their initial stressed state after cryogenic processing on operability of the rock-destruction tools. Synthetic thermostrong diamonds AC160T with granularity of 355/300 microns were chosen as object of research.
Technique. In article we suggest the technique of synthetic diamonds durability assessment by monoaxial compression performed before and after cryogenic processing in the environment of liquid nitrogen. Cryogenic processing results into the change of initial stressed state of the diamonds, promoting increase of their durability, which is based on nonmonotonic change of integrated intensity of the diffraction component line of Kassel, caused by change of defective structure. Operability of the diamond rock-destruction tools was estimated by results of researches of wear resistance of drill bits and power expenses when drilling of rock.
Findings. Nature of change of static durability of diamonds from the samples subjected to cryogenic processing was studied. Essential increase of values of durability of diamonds by raising the number of grains with durability in the range 350–500 H represents practical interest. For diamonds with initial durability of grains in the range 500–550 H growth of this indicator is insignificant. We can explain this by low level of change of the initial stressed state of crystals.
Originality. It is established that after the low-temperature cycling there is an increase of static durability of the synthetic diamonds, caused by irreversible change of the initial stressed state of the crystals caused by streamlining of parts with defective structure in the crystal lattice.
Practical value. Advantages of use of the method of cryogenic processing of synthetic diamonds before their use for equipment of the diamond drilling tool are shown. Increase of static durability of the synthetic diamonds used for equipment of drill bits, improves their working capacity.
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