Synthesis of optimal temperature regulator of electroarc holding furnace bath

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D.A. Demin, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Professor of the Department of Foundry, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Purpose. To choose a procedure of synthesis of optimal regulator of melting temperature in electroarc holding furnace, obtain mathematical description that will provide the solution of regulator synthesis problem, and design the melting temperature evaluation methods to use during the process before the melt handling over on the casting conveyor.

Methodology. To solve the problem of optimal control we have chosen the principle of Pontryagin’s maximum. To evaluate the parameters describing the control object, the procedure of regression equation obtaining was used.

Findings. The article defines the problems to solve for synthesis of optimal temperature regulator of the electroarc furnace bath, working along with casting conveyor. The problems include the lack of mathematical description of the control object and the complexity of immediate estimation of the parameters describing the process. The procedure of estimation of the bath temperature based on the plotting of the regression equation has been suggested. It takes place during the temporary thermic process of melt treatment in a holding furnace. It describes the temperature profile of the bath and allows to surmount the main complexity of the synthesis of optimal regulator associated with the inability to measure the parameters describing the control object.

Originality. The suggested pattern of mathematical description of the control object allows solving the problem of synthesis of optimal temperature regulator when the parameters describing the process are not subject to direct measurement. The use of the obtained optimal regulator allows getting optimal transients in the control object.

Practical value. The application of the suggested regulator in industrial electroarc furnaces, operating as an electric shaker on the melting-priming area of a workshop, provides the possibility of bringing the melt chemical composition to the designated in the shortest time with minimal power expenses. This results in the reduction of possible downtime of casting conveyor caused by the absence of the melt of the proper quality, and the reduction of power expenses at the stage of thermothemporal processing of the melt. 


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