Zones of discontinuities influence on mining and geological conditions of preparation of deep horizons of mines GP “Antratsit” and GP “Rovenky-Antratsit”

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G.M. Smorodin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor, Antratsit Faculty of Mining and Transport, V. Dal East Ukrainian National University, Acting Head of Department of Mining, Antratsit, Ukraine

Ya.V. Makeyeva, Antratsit Faculty of Mining and Transport, V. Dal East Ukrainian National University, Student, Antratsit, Ukraine


The influence of transverse faults on mining and geological conditions of preparation of anthracite reserves for development in the Bokovo-Hrustalskyi and Dovzhano-Rovenetskyi areas is considered. The regularities of the structure and water-cut breaks allowing prediction of the conditions for their opening at great depths prospective for developing and in each case to make reasoned decisions concerning their mining.


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Date 2012-11-27 Filesize 302.17 KB Download 1393


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