The fuzzy regulator of mass fraction of iron in concentrate based on the magnetic induction signal in the separator work surface

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T.V. Borshch, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Economic Cybernetics and Information Technology Department, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.


Purpose of this paper is a theoretical justification of utility of the fuzzy logic theory use to improve the accuracy of automatic monitoring and magnetic ore concentration process control by the signals of the magnetic induction in the working area of the separator.

Methodology. An alternative way of development of automated control system based on the use of artificial intelligence technologies (neural networks, fuzzy logic) is proposed.

Findings of the study are the use of fuzzy logic for complex control systems in order to provide necessary quality control of the magnetic ore concentration process under conditions of processes’ nonstationarity, time delay, random perturbance, presence of fuzzy information.

Originality consists in the use of fuzzy logic to automate the magnetic ore concentration process by the signals of the magnetic induction, which will provide the necessary quality control under conditions of incomplete and fuzzy information about the object.

Practical Implementation consists in the use of artificial intelligence for automation of complex hard forming systems, what will increase concentration quality as well as reduce costs by less use of expensive equipment. 


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