Method of automatic control of content of iron in ore by means of industrial magnetic separator

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Jamil Abedalrahim Jamil Alsayaydeh, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate Student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Ye.V. Kochura, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Head of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To substantiate the automatic method of control of mass fraction of iron in ore concentrated by means of industrial magnetic separator.

Methodology. Physical and mathematical formulation of regularities of separator magnetic field formation in working area and experimental investigation of dependence of the magnetic field induction from on fraction of iron in separator feeding. Physico-mathematical models of magnetic induction formation in the working area of pulp supply to the bath of the separator have been examined. The experimental results have been processed by the least-squares method. The results of mathematical processing of obtained data are presented.

Findings. Theoretical directly proportional relationship between the mass fraction of iron in the feeding of the magnetic separator and magnetic induction of distributed magnetic field in the working area of separator feeding has been established. The magnetic induction is measured along separator drum generatrix that is perpendicular to an axis of pulp supply to the bath of the separator. Prototype of the system for the automatic control of mass fraction of iron in the feeding of separator has been designed. The sensing element of the automatic control system includes two sets of concatenated magneto-sensitive elements embedded in grooves of the magnetic system in the working area of ore pulp supply. A source of stabilized power supply and a potentiometer were installed in the prototype of the system. The prototype has been experimentally studied in industrial environment of magnetic enrichment plant. Scheme of experimental studies, results of chemical analysis of selected technological samples and registrations of secondary device, which measures magnetic induction in the area of magnetic separator feeding with ore pulp are presented. Static characteristic of the prototype of the system for automatic control of mass fraction of iron in ore enriched has been determined as a regression equation. Confidence intervals of the regression have been determined. Accuracy of the automatic control of mass fraction of iron in the ore makes 5% in relative units.
We have developed the method and the system for automatic control of mass fraction of iron in ore pulp inflowing to the enrichment by the signal of the magnetic induction received in the area of magnetic separator feding.

Originality. For the first time it was found that the magnetic induction of spatially distributed magnetic field in the working zone of the feeding supply of the magnetic separator, measured along separator drum generatrix, perpendicularly to the axis of pulp supply to the bath of the separator is directly proportional to the mass fraction of iron in the ore.

Practical value. The result allows automating the process of sampling and analysis of the mass fraction of iron in ore pulp and reducing technological control costs.


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