Efficiency of gas-liquid interaction at immersible tuyer blowing

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A.P. Tolstopyat, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Senior Research Fellow, O. Gonchar Dnepropetrovsk National University, Senior Research Scientist of Research Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Heat-Mass Exchange Processes Modeling, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

Т.А. Ruzova, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), O. Gonchar Dnepropetrovsk National University, Senior Research Scientist of Research Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Heat-Mass Exchange Processes Modeling, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

L.A. Fleyer, O. Gonchar Dnepropetrovsk National University, Senior Research Scientist of Research Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Heat-Mass Exchange Processes Modeling, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Interaction between liquid and gas is basic in wide range of technological processes.

Purpose. To determine the most efficient blowing tuyere unit to provide the more developed interphase surface in gas-liquid system at the most quiet bath.

Methodology. We have done the experimental investigation of liquid-gas interaction at the transparent model of technological unit. Water acted as model liquid, and air acted as model gas (consumption – 0.4-2.0 m3/h). Blowing V–tip unit (angle between tuyere tip nozzles is 90°) and the single one (deviation angle of tip’s nozzle from tuyere axe is 45°) are submerged in liquid. Process recording has been realized by camcorder (VPC-HD1000, shutter speed ~1/10000, 60 fps) in transmitted light. Obtained video has been processed on computer to determine gas content and phase surface analogs and irregularity factor of their distribution in diametrical cross-section of the unit. Direct recording of liquid spatter height at the bath surface has been done by video filming.

Findings. On the ground of statistical treatment analysis of the process video-images we have determined that V–tip tuyere and tuyere shifted from ladle axe to its wall have significant advantage in comparison with the single tuyer placed at the ladle axe according to the majority of measured parameters of video-images. But the tuyere shifted from ladle axe appears worse than V–tip one.
We have detected extreme liquid spatters on the bath surface (Qg > 1.3 m3/h), which appear when the single tuyere has central position.

Originality. We have carried out the experimental investigation to determine efficiency of blowing units of different construction and position (near-wall and axial position of the single tuyere and V–tip tuyere) in technological unit.

Practical value. Investigation results are used at developing schemes of out-of-furnace metal working in hot-metal ladle cars.


1. Компьютерная обработка видеоизображений газовых пузырей в жидкости / [Рузова Т.А., Елисеев В.И., Толстопят А.П. и др.] // Оптические методы исследования потоков: труды IX международной научно-технической конференции. – М., 2007. – C. 48–49.

Ruzova, T.A., Yeliseyev, V.I., Tolstopyat, A.P. and Fleyer, L.A. (2007), “Computer processing videoimages gas bubbles in liquid”, papers of the 9th international scientific and technical conference “Optical methods of flow investigation”, Moscow, pp. 48–49.

2. Компьютерная обработка кинограмм процесса взаимодействия газовых струй с жидкостью / [Рузова Т.А., Толстопят А.П., Шевченко А.Ф. и др.] // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. – Дніпропетровськ, 2007. – №12.– С. 91–96

Ruzova, T.A., Tolstopyat, A.P., Shevchenko, A.F., Shevchenko, S.A. (2007), “Computer processing of interaction between gas jets and liquid”, Naukoviy visnyk Natzionalnoho hirnychoho universytetu, Dnipropetrovsk, no. 12, pp. 91–96.

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