Role of juvenile ore sources in the forming of the deposits of the uranium-sodium formation in the Kirovograd ore district of the Ukrainian shield

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Authors: A.A. Kalashnik, Candidate of Sciences (Geol.), Exploration Expedition No.37, State enterprise „Kirovgeologiya“, Chief Geophysicist, Kirovograd, Ukraine 


The relation between the main uranium-productive periods of different tectonic-magmatic activation of the Ukrainian Shield with the development of associated with uranium mineralization geological processes, including kimberlitic magmatizm have been considered in the paper. It have been shown that this feature is an external expression of connection of endogenous uranium deposits with mantle sources of carbon dioxide and ore components. The comparison of geochemical context connection of uranium-beryllium in uranium-bearing ore albitites of the Kirovograd region and beryllium-bearing metasomatites of the Perzhanskogo ore district, which structurally related to faults of mantle penetration have been carried in the paper. Conclusion about juvenile nature of the uranium-bearing mineral-forming solutions has been made.


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