Petrographic features of coal from northern carboniferous area of Donbass

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О.O. Kuzmenko, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Geology and Prospecting of Mineral Deposits, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

V.S. Savchuk, Doctor of Geological Science, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Professor of the Department of Geology and Prospecting of Mineral Deposits, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Coalification stages of the basic coal beds of the area are resulted. The quantitative characteristic of typical petrographic composition of coal is given. The microcomponental composition of coal under the microscope is characterized. Petrographic features of coal maceral composition are defined. Petrographic classification of coal from the area is carried out. Stratigraphic laws of coal material composition change are determined. Variability of components distribution is analyzed. Petrographic characteristic of reduced coal from the area is given. The correlation analysis of coal composition and quality indicators of the area is carried out.


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