Geometrical features of physical and geological models of uranium ore processing waste storages in Middle Prydniprovia

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O.H. Bilashenko, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Postgraduate Student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

P.H. Pihulevskyi, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), Senior Research Fellow, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geophysical Methods of Exploration, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

O.K. Tiapkin, Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Nature Management Problems & Ecology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Head of Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Nowadays development and active functioning of the nuclear power industry is the only way of development of the power complex of Ukraine. But development of atomic power engineering is followed by accumulation of significant amount of radioactive waste which are production residue of primary processing of uranium raw material. The greatest environmental hazard in the Middle Prydniprovia is caused by uranium ore processing waste storage. The storages were built in the past century and do not meet the requirements of environment safety standards. In order to examine the modern state of the objects and potential and actual radioactive pollution of the territory authors suggest using of geophysical methods on the basis of preliminary developed physical-geological models of the storages. Such kind of models is used widely and has recommended itself in prospecting process and engineering-geological researches. The purpose of the article is the generalization and typification of geometrical features of the models in order to implement them in detailed geoecological and geophysical research of territories adjacent to uranium ore processing waste storages. The information about geometric features of storage structures and enclosing rocks, and potential directions of radioactive contamination was generalized. The models of 4 types of existing uranium ore processing waste storages were designed: “Above Surface”, “Subsurface”, “Slope” and “Gully”. The models make the basis for organisation of optimum network of geological-geophysical researches (both mapping and monitoring) aimed on operative and effective solution of geoecological and radiologic safety problems appeared near uranium ore processing waste storages.


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