Early precambrian sedimentogenesis of Кrivoy Rog iron-ore basin: lithochemical types and MINLITH-standard mineral composition of metasediments

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V.V. Pokalyuk, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), Senior Research Fellow, State Institution “Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Senior Research Fellowof theLaboratory of Mineral Raw Materials for Nuclear Power Industry,Kyiv, Ukraine

V.V. Sukach, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Senior Research Fellowof theDepartment of Geology and Geochemistry of Ore Deposits, Kyiv, Ukraine


Purpose. Study of paleographic and paleogeodynamic features of sedimentogenesis of Archean-Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary complexes of Krivoy Rog iron-ore basin of the Ukrainian Shield based on lythochemical data and calculations.

Methodology. Method of hierarchical cluster analysis was employed to classify and systematize the lithochemical data by metasedimentogenic stratigraphic units of Krivoy Rog iron-ore basin. MINLITH algorithm (Rosen et al., 2004) was used to recalculate gross chemical composition of metamorphized sedimentary rock on possible source mineral composition.

Findings. Statistical analysis of petrochemical database allowed us to determine the reference lithochemical types of Krivoy Rog iron-ore basin metasedimentogenic rock which were distributed by specific stratigraphic units to metasedimentic petrochemical series. The source mineral composition of metasedimentic rock has been reconstructed by the O.M. Rozen MINLITH method. Petrochemical recalculations allowed to specify general geological knowledge on the types of sedimentary lithogenesis during Mezoarchean-Paleoproterosoic history of the basin.

Originality. The authors determined some new and specified the already known lithochemical types of Krivoy Rog iron-ore basin metasedimentogenic rocks.

Practical value. The present studies contribute into further development of general classification of Krivoy Rog iron-ore basin metamorphic rocks, which is important for geological survey and prospecting works, solving problems of interregional correlations of metamorphosed stratified complexes. 


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