Green-stone structures of northern slope of Serednoprydnirovskyi megablock of the Ukrainian shield

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Authors: V.V. Omelchenko, P.G. Pigulevskyi
The structural-tectonic zoning of northern slope of Srednepridneprovsky megablock of the Ukrainian shield has been considered. Basic structural elements (granite-migmatite antiforms, domes, shafts and green-stone structures of different type advanced between them) have been marked. Geological structure of the Kobeliakskaia, Toloko-Podianskaia and Petrikovskaia green-stone structures and characteristic of their display in gravitational and magnetic fields have been shown. For the first time it has been adduced Geological-geophysical information about the features of structure of the northwest part of Kobelyakskiy syncline, Toloko-Podyanskaia green-stone structure and prospective allocated Petrikovskaia green-stone structure.
2010_06 Omel
Date 2012-12-14 Filesize 607.18 KB Download 1380


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