Study of the influence of fuzzy cascade controller on characteristics of automatic control system of arc furnace’s electrode movement

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A.O. Lozynskyi, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, National university “Lviv Polytechnic”, Senior Lecturer of Applied Mathematics "Lviv Polytechnic", Lviv, Ukraine

L.I. Demkiv, Cand. Sci. (Math.), Associate Professor, National university “Lviv Polytechnic”, Senior Lecturer of the Applied Mathematics Department, Lviv, Ukraine


Purpose. To improve the dynamic performance of the of the arc furnaces electrode movement automatic control system with acceptable overshoot of interjacent coordinates.

Methodology. Fuzzy sets for the synthesis of control actions in certain points of the state space are applied. For the values of interjacent coordinates to be within acceptable limits the cascade regulator is applied. The first stage of it activates the desired subsystem with the corresponding weights and the second one limits the output of the regulator in case when interjacent coordinates exceed limits. In order to simplify the synthesis of fuzzy controller the number of terms of each fuzzy variable is significantly limited.

Findings. Comparison of the proposed approach and the approach based on the principle of modal controls for the synthesis of electrode moving automatic control system are held. The quantitative and qualitative benefits of the proposed approach for the synthesis of fuzzy cascade controller system are studied. Besides the analysis of the behavior of the proposed fuzzy controller and fuzzy controllers with fuzzyfication of one and two variables is done. These results demonstrate the feasibility of the cascade controller in arc furnace electrode moving automatic control system.

Originality. In this paper, a method of synthesis that provides both the desired transition process for the initial coordinate and limiting interjacent coordinate system is proposed.

Practical value. The proposed approach improves the adaptation of arc furnace electrode moving automatic control system to different modes.


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