Results of analysis of induction of heating modes of machine parts with detachable connection

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N.S. Dreshpak, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Metrology and Information-Measurement Technologies Department, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To analyze rational modes of induction heating of machine parts with detachable connections providing efficient dismantling of the connections and improving technical and economic performance of existing induction heating installations.

Methodology. Analytical method of calculation has been used for studying electromagnetic processes in the one-dimensional field. The method of physical modeling has been used for leveling the magnetic field on the surface of the plug and the contact thermal conductivity identification and supported by method of validation of mathematical modeling accuracy. Numerical method of calculating forming finite-differential equations and the method of factorization has been used for study of the thermal process of induction heating. Interpolation method has been used for determine the contact thermal conductivity depending on the temperature difference between the contacting surfaces. And the method of optimization was used for substantiation of the connections dismantling process and determination of its rational modes.

Findings. The specific surface electric power of induction heating, which provides details connection dismantling, is directly proportional to the identified value of the contact thermal conductivity and the temperature difference between the contact surfaces of the plug and shaft, required to perform the technological operation.

Originality. The flow patterns of interconnected electromagnetic thermal processes and temperature deformation processes occurring in the induction heating system of the machine parts connection have been determined.

Practical value. The carried out theoretical studies have formed the basis for the establishment of methods for calculating the specific surface power on the basis of the identified values of the thermal conductivity, the method of leveling the field strength on the surface of the plug, and the device that is aligned directly on the site for dismantling, as well as ways to control the details connection dismantling operation which is to change the pulse repetition rate of inductor current.


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