Development and identification of the refined mathematical model of catalytic reforming

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I.L. Levchuk, State Higher Educational Institution "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology", Lecturer of the Department of Computer Integrated Technology and Metrology, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To develop an updated mathematical model of catalytic reforming, taking into account the non-stationarity of the described object and specific chemical transformations of the reacting mixture in separate reactors of the reactor block.

Methodology. The methods of simulation and mathematical modeling, decomposition and mathematical apparatus of neural networks made the basis of the research.

Findings. The new updated mathematical model of the catalytic reforming has been developed. Its verification with use of the experimental data obtained from the catalytic reforming process at Kremenchug Refinery showed that the error of the main calculated parameters decreased by 3–7%. Also the total time of identification reduced significantly (by 80% in some cases).

Originality. The mathematical model of the catalytic reforming which uses the principle of decomposition and examines the process as a set of three connected models of individual reactors with individual tuning parameters has been created. The approach allows us to use the features of the mechanism and kinetics of chemical transformations of the reaction mixture in each reactor, as well as to compensate at the identification phase the process non-stationarity due to the different rate of catalyst deactivation in the individual reactors of the reactor block. We have proposed the combined intellectual method of identification of the mathematical model based on the thermodynamic parameters which allow minimizing search time of the tuning coefficients by using the neural network to reduce the number of steps of iterative algorithm on the various stages of the identification.

Practical value. Catalytic reforming is the important stage of obtaining the high-octane component of motor fuels, as well as individual aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, xylene) used in the petrochemical industry, and hydrogen. The efficiency of the catalytic reforming is largely determined by the quality of control. The development of the simple fast and sufficiently accurate mathematical models suitable for utilization in modern systems of the optimal control is an urgent problem.


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