Mathematical modeling of free voltage oscillations on transformer windings taking into account winds mutual induction under surge overvoltage
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- Category: Electrical engineering
- Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 March 2014 20:31
- Published on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 16:33
- Hits: 4332
M.S. Seheda, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Head of the Department of Electric Stations, Lviv, Ukraine
Ye.V. Cheremnykh, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Lviv, Ukraine
T.A. Mazur, Lviv Politechnic National University, assistant Lecturer of the Department of Electric Stations, Lviv, Ukraine
Purpose. To create a mathematical model for study of wave processes in the transformer windings with mutual induction between their coils and the solution of integral-differential equations in partial derivatives.
Methodology. The mathematical model of the transformer has been obtained on the basis of the equivalent circuit of its winding per unit length along its axis with considering of the leakage currents between coils relatively to the ground and mutual induction between their coils. For solving the integral-differential equations the method of separation of variables has been proposed. The initial conditions have been determined based on the algorithm of calculating the steady state mode of electric circuits. Boundary conditions have been determined using the solution of equations describing the beginning and the ending of the equivalent circuit.
Findings. The proposed mathematical model allows us to analyze the wave processes in the transformer windings taking into account all parameters of the equivalent circuit. During the study of wave processes in the transformer windings it is necessary to consider the ratio between time interval of electromagnetic wave propagation along the entire length of the winding and time interval, during which the current and voltage take considerable changes with respect to the their full change during the process under research. The voltage oscillations in turn arise with frequency corresponding both to the entire winding and the self frequency of the winding turn. Free oscillations are characterized by high frequencies and die out completely.These oscillations depend on inductive and capacitive coupling in the winding.
Originality. We suggest the new approach to the formation of the mathematical model which takes into account the distributed parameters and makes it possible to model the surge overvoltage taking into account all parameters of the equivalent scheme and solution of the integral-differential equations in partial derivatives using the method of separation of variables.
Practical value. Reliability of the transformers insulation during the surge overvoltage is very important and depends on its correct coordination. The insulation of the high-voltage transformers must ensure their accident-free operation both during the long-term action of the applied voltage and the short-time external and internal overvoltage. Development of the mathematical models for the wave processes study in the power transformers with consideration of these factors is an important and actual problem because the insulation of the transformer windings has a significant influence on its size, cost and weight, increases the reactance, thereby reducing its bandwidth.
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