Analysis of dynamic modes of the multimotor drive

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Authors: V.G. Fainshtein, V.A. Tsvetnov, R.V. Rogalskaya

The technique of the analysis and synthesis of the control system of the multimotor drive has been offered. The method allows estimating the influence of a deviation of the parameters of the control systems of each separate engine on the action of electric drives entering into multiengine system. Also it makes possible to estimate various ways of reduction of such influence of deviation of these parameters on dynamic and static characteristics of multimotor electromechanical system. As an example of application of the offered technique the analysis of influence of deviation of the rate of the gain in a chain of feedback of an individual regulator of speed of a drive of one or several engines on size of the elastic moment in channels of each drive has been made.
2010_06 Fain
Date 2012-12-14 Filesize 268 KB Download 1299


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