New generation of explosion-proof electrical equipment complex for mining industry power supply systems

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F.P. Shkrabets, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University", Head of the Department of Renewable Energy Sources, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Ye.A. Varenik, Сand. Sci. (Tech.), Ukrainian Scientific Research Project-Designing and Technological Institute of Explosion proof and Mining Electrical Equipment with Experimental Production, Director, Donetsk, Ukraine

V.N. Savitsky, Сand. Sci. (Tech.), Ukrainian Scientific Research Project-Designing and Technological Institute of Explosion proof and Mining Electrical Equipment with Experimental Production, First Deputy Directorfor Science Affairs, Head of Comprehensive Scientific Research Department of Electrical Low Voltage Apparatuses, Donetsk, Ukraine

V.S. Dziuban, Dr. Sci. (Tech.),Professor, PrAT“Donetsrstal”, First Deputy Director of the Administration of Electrical Engineering Products Supply Strategy, Donetsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To present the results of solving the problem of creating and manufacturing explosion-proof equipment of new generation at enterprises of Ukraine, which ensures safe and continuous power supply to mining industry consumers.

Methodology of research include: analytical research methods; mathematical modeling based on the formalization of studying processes and the construction of quotient mathematical models; the general theory of electrical circuits, and full-scale experiments with the purpose of the practical verification of theoretical study and adopted engineering solutions.

Findings. For the first time in world practice physical phenomena causing dramatically rapid destruction of control and protection apparatuses were determined, their qualitative and quantitative parameters were defined. This research outlined the ways of further improving explosion-proof and mine electric equipment with 500 V and higher voltage. Switching devices with sealed and vacuum arc chutes with the service life of 5–6 and more years were designed. New ways, methods and technical solutions, which allowed for the first time in the world to create a system of protection against leakage currents for the networks with a voltage 1140 V were developed. It provides an effective reduction of leakage currents values through the automatic tuning of compensating chokes, automatic shutdown of the source and grounding the phase with damaged insulation in conditions of exceeding the acceptable values of leakage current. New principles governing self-control of operability of protective equipment, remote control and communication channels were developed, which practically eliminates the possibility of operating damaged electric networks and equipment, as well as of erroneous activating of protection devices.

Originality. A wide range of tasks related to personnel safety and high reliability of mining electric equipment and of mining electric equipment and of underground power supply systems at high voltage levels (660 V, 1140 V, 6000 V) have been theoretically grounded and practically solved.

Practical value. mine explosion-proof apparatus, having the following advantages: a wide range of performance, a high level of protection, blocking designs, effective control, protection and spark-proof design are developed, exploited commercially and widely used in the mines of various mineral resource industries. New engineering solution in construction and electrical circuits, high values of mechanical, electrical wear-resistance and switching capacity, the use of special materials arc-moisture-proof materials provides with high factors and resources of developed equipment.


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