Necessity of management structure optimization of service center of railroad station within the framework of railway tourism on the railways of Ukraine

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A.О. Derhousova, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Postgraduate Student, Senior Instructor of the Department «Marketing in transport system», Kharkiv, Ukraine


The results of investigation of necessity of transport enterprise development strategy forming are presented in the modern terms of ménage. Important advantages of railway transport are determined at the modern stage of development of market relations and in the conditions of hard competition at the transport market. The key role of the station complexes in introduction of railway tourism in Ukraine is shown. Importance of providing passengers with additional services and special role of structural subdivision of the station such as a service center is shown. The optimized structure of management of service center is offered on the example of the station Kharkiv-pass. Application of the worked out recommendations will allow the railway transport reach the new stage of competition relations.


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