Approximation of the number of patients dependency on the content of pollutants in the water environment of Krivyi Rih city

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I.M. Pistunov, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Lecturer of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

O.P. Antoniuk, State Higher Educational Institution «National Mining University», Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


Changes in tax laws, concerning ecological policy are analyzed. Nonlinear connection between diseases of the population of Kryvyi Rig city and the pollutants’ discharge in environment is established. It is carried out the approximation by linear and nonlinear models for the data of disease of the population of Kryvyi Rig city and different kinds of pollution of an environing habitat. The quality of the received approximations and the best look-ahead properties is ascertained.


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