Combating illegal amber mining: peculiarities of conflict resolution

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A. O. Kyselov, Cand. Sc. (Jurid.),, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose. Identification and analysis of tactical rules of conflict-free communication of criminal police officers of the National Police of Ukraine with any persons in the process of combating illegal amber mining.

Methodology. The author used the analytical method and problem-subject method. Opinions of specialists, scientific-theoretical and practical issues in the field of psychology were systematized in order to determine the causes and discover the essence of the conflict during communication.

Findings. The paper defines the influence of the causes of conflict during combating illegal amber mining on the course and results of communication, followed by identifying the most effective conditions for resolution and ending of the conflict. Psychological characteristics of communication were analyzed, and it was found that the knowledge of the rules of communication by the participants represented the most important condition of its effectiveness.

Originality. The legal and psychological aspects of the conflict are adapted to situations of countering the illegal amber mining. Actions taken according to results of the study will contribute to putting the amber mining process in the legal framework, and improving the crime situation in the region where these minerals occur. The legal basis for taking the opportunities of confidential cooperation by the criminal police officers of the National Police of Ukraine was determined.

Practical value. Usage of the relevant rules of communication will allow making such communication conflict-free. Tactically built communication is the key to conflict-free, meaningful and productive dialog of the criminal police officer of the National Police of Ukraine with any persons in the course of countering the illegal amber mining. Improvement of the tactics of communication with people while countering illegal amber mining in general and confidential cooperation in particular will allow the officers of criminal police units to increase the efficiency of combating and preventing crime based on the mechanisms proposed in this study. Implementation of the work results will improve quality of the investigation of criminal proceedings, and raise the level of compensation of damages caused by illegal activities. It will have positive effect on the economic component by reducing the volumes of criminal consequences of the illegal amber mining.


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ISSN (print) 2071-2227,
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