Management features of modern think tanks

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I. Petrenko, Cand. Sc. (Polit.), Assoc. Prof.,, Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

G. Malkina, Dr. Sc. (Polit.), Assoc. Prof.,, Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

V. Kolyukh, Dr. Sc. (Polit.), Assoc. Prof.,, Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose. To find the reasons for the insignificant influence of Ukrainian think tanks on the development of the state structure of Ukraine, as well as to develop a new management strategy for Ukrainian think tanks to increase their importance in formation of political thinking and state policy of Ukraine.

Methodology. The authors used the system-structural, structural-functional methods, as well as methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis, and expert evaluation.

Findings. The authors reviewed the development of think tanks in the history of world culture and found three main features: 1) the influence of think tanks on political thinking and public policy is carried out indirectly through individuals who make political decisions; 2) the management of the think tank is the ability to work with gifted people who generate political innovations (policy innovation); 3) the think tank management is the highest perfection of the policy of entrepreneurship, which allows embodying political innovations in the state policy. The authors considered the management of the Ukrainian think tank and established its discrepancy to the world standards. The management of Ukrainian think tanks specializes mainly in analyzing problems and recommendations for solving them, whereas management of the leading world think tanks is aimed at the embodiment of political innovations in political decisions. The authors have proposed a new management strategy for the Ukrainian think tanks, which is based on rethinking attitude towards 1) human resources; 2) material resources; 3) information resources; 4) reputational resources.

Originality. The authors have proved that the management of Ukrainian think tanks is inconsistent with the standards of the world’s leading think tanks. The Ukrainian think tank focuses on analyzing the problem, while the management of the world’s leading think tank embodies political innovation in political decisions.

The authors have worked out the new management strategy for the Ukrainian think tank. It is based on rethinking of four key resources: 1) the human ones; 2) the material ones; 3) the informational ones; 4) the reputational ones.

Practical value. Using the results obtained in the course of the research will increase the effectiveness of Ukrainian think tanks. The authors believe that the new strategy of management will help Ukrainian think tanks to attract gifted scientists who are able to generate innovative political strategies, as well as gifted managers who will bring political innovations to officials, politicians and political parties. The management directed to generation of political innovations and their embodiment in the state policy will allow Ukrainian think tanks to occupy an important niche in development of the Ukrainian State system.


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