Clustering of the factors affecting economic efficiency of corporation management in engineering industry

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Ya.V. Kudria, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Еconomics of Еnterprise and Іnvestment of the Research and Educational Institute of Economics and Management, Lviv, Ukraine


Purpose. Detail specification and generalization of results of scientific research of one of the topics of corporate governance (CG), which is identifying and grouping the factors of economic efficiency of joint-stock companies in the industry (for example, engineering).

Methodology. The paper used general scientific and special methods of investigation: a method of critical analysis, scientific abstraction, grouping, detail specification, comparison, synthesis and generalization of scientific experience of modern theoretical research, systematic and comprehensive approaches.

Findings. Development of basic options of grouping (clustering) factors of economic efficiency of CG in engineering. Definition of groups (clusters) factors of economic performance of corporations in engineering. Formation of the general characteristics of the group of factors of economic efficiency of joint-stock companies (JSC) in engineering.

Originality. Had the further development of the notion of „factors of economic performance of corporations“ and the method of grouping the factors of economic efficiency of CG in engineering on grounds of such classification and clustering of factors as relevant to the research object, the hierarchy, the nature of origin.

Practical value. The theoretical study brought to the method and level of measures, classification and clustering factors of economic performance of corporations in engineering. The method will help and provide increased economic efficiency of management and development of companies and it can be used in the theory and practice of CG.


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