Formation of water-physical properties of soil in recultivated areas
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- Category: Ecology
- Last Updated on Saturday, 02 April 2016 21:41
- Published on Saturday, 02 April 2016 21:41
- Hits: 4610
O.H. Iziumova, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Zhytomyr State Technological University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Mining Faculty, Zhytomyr, Ukraine.
Purpose. To study the physical processes of formation of physical and water-physical properties of sod-podzolic soil in the areas reclaimed after mining developments for practical measures on full implementation of the ecosystem functions of soil under technogenesis conditions.
Methodology. The methodological basis of research was the concept of environmental monitoring. Conventional methods in ecology, field and laboratory ones, were used for the research. In the field studies, the methods of comparative analogy with regional control were used. The laboratory tests were conducted in accordance with generally accepted in soil science certified and standardized methods.
Findings. Under natural soil conditions, a 30-year period after the remediation is insufficient to restore the evolutionary balanced parameters of physical structure of the soil. The residual effects of its physical abuse appear to change the density compilation, porosity and, consequently, the quantitative characteristics of water-physical constants and forms of soil moisture reserves.
Originality. For the areas reclaimed after opencast mines, the time and quantitative parameters of forming the physical structure and water-physical constants of disturbed soil by natural soil conditions were first established. The possible scenarios for forming stocks of productive moisture in the plow layer of soil were shown.
Practical value. The regularities of forming agrophysical soil properties can be used by mining companies to justify the technical specifications of the restoration of land after opencast mines and by farms to develop measures aimed at regulating elements of disturbed soil fertility and improvement of technological schemes of growing crops on the reclaimed areas.
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