Justification of quantity of perforated partitions and intervals of their placement in improved sedimentation tank for mine water
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- Category: Ecology
- Last Updated on Monday, 28 July 2014 13:39
- Published on Tuesday, 13 August 2013 13:13
- Hits: 3673
V.Ye. Kolesnik, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Professor of the Department of Ecology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
D.V. Kulikova, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Ecology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine.
Purpose. Justification of the required number of perforated partitions and intervals of their placement along the proposed sedimentation tank of improved construction.
Methodology. The methodological basis of justification of the number of partitions and their placement in the improved sedimentation tank consisted in the determination of the geometric and hydraulic parameters of the proposed sedimentation tank and in the establishment of dependence between these parameters and calculated technological parameters. For this purpose we have analyzed five variants of placement of the different number of perforated partitions on the cross-section of the tank with various distances of placement, and then we have selected the most acceptable variant to provide efficient waste water treatment.
Findings. The comparative analysis of the impact of number of partitions on the hydraulic-flow conditions of purified water and deposition of suspended particles for the conditions of dewatering the operating mine has been performed. Based on the results we have concluded that sedimentation tank of proposed construction requires four or five partitionsfor the greatest effect of waste water purification from suspended particles. In this case, the partitions on the inlet and outlet from the settling (first and last) are placed at 4 m distance from the end walls. The subsequent partitions are placed equally apart each other.
Originality. The necessary and sufficient quantity of perforated partitions placed vertically in the selected cross-sections of the improved sedimentation tank, which provides the greatest effectiveness of mine water treatment, has been determined.
Practical value. Placement of the most optimal quantity of partitions along the sedimentation tank increases efficiency of mine water treatment by providing laminar-flow conditions and intensification of the process of gravitational deposition of suspended particles.
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