Application of 35 kilovolt voltage for underground power consumers supply systems of deep power-intensive mines

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F.P. Shkrabets, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University", Head of the Department of Renewable Energy Sources, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

A.V. Ostapchuk,Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University", Senior Lecturer of the Department of Renewable Energy Sources, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


PurposeTo substantiate the possibility of 35 kV voltage application in deep-level ore and coal mine power supply systems to supply underground electric collectors and draw up the principles of ensuring their operational safety.

Methodology. We have used theoretical and experimental methods, in particular, probability theory and analytical research methods to estimate electrical elements reliability and power supply electric safety; general electrical circuit theory to estimate emergency processes.

Findings. By selection of appropriate level of voltage we can solve the deep mines power supply problem comprehensively and for extended period of time taking into account growing electrical loads in underground electric collectors. This way of improving the efficiency of deep-level energy-intensive mines supply appears the most realistic and technically feasible. To reconstruct the power supply system we can supply 35 kV voltage to the depth over 1000 m to the 35/6 kV underground substation and distribute power at deeper horizons with voltage of 6 kV. Between different schemes of power supply for the 35/6 kV underground substation the most preferable is the scheme ‘block line – transformer’ allowing to refuse the 35/6 kV distribution device and meet existing general and specialized requirements of maintenance and safety.

We have presented theoretical substantiation of the selective method of automatic and continuous monitoring of 35/6 kV electrical grid isolation parameters. This method is based on impinging of operational bi-frequency sinusoid signals of nonindustrial frequency on electrical grid, and onthe principle of faulted phase earth protection during ground faults in 6-35 kV electric grids for the purposes of improving the electrical safety.

OriginalityAlternative method of improvement of the power supply effectiveness in deep geological position is presented. We have shown that change-over to a higher voltage class of mine supply networks is a promising method. To ensure the safety, we propose the method of automatic, continuous and selective monitoring of isolation parameters relative to ground without removing the operating voltage.

Practical valueImprovement of the effectiveness of power supply in deep geological position can be performed through power quality enhancement and reducing the energy loss.


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