Ecological and radiochemical state of urban areas of coal-mining region (on the example of Pavlograd city)

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Authors: L.V. Bondarenko, V.A. Kirichenko, S.A. Kravets, Ya.Ya. Serdiuk, O.K. Tiapkin
Geodetic monitoring of efficiency of built up slope protective measures is analysed. By results of the monitoring it has been determined the parameters of displacement of items of a strengthening wall and a slope in space and time. On the basis of distribution of the parameters of the displacement the border and movement direction of the landslip have been established. The performance of the strengthening wall has been estimated.
2010_11-12 Bond
Date 2012-12-14 Filesize 444.97 KB Download 1802


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You are here: Home Archive by field of science Ecology Ecological and radiochemical state of urban areas of coal-mining region (on the example of Pavlograd city)